Friday, June 1, 2012

Rainy Days

I would love to be able to write a blog today but it's raining and I don't do much when it rains but this:

Sometimes I do turn over and change positions.

This is my favorite way to sleep, wish she would get that flash out of my face!

Flash, flash, flash! How is a man suppose to get any rest around this joint?

I do have a boo-boo on my eye and we don't know how it got there. Mom said I was probably trying to stick my head through something it didn't fit in while being nosy. It's a mystery, this boo-boo! But it looks a lot better today. So I'm on the mend and it doesn't bother me a bit.

See it right there? Over my right eye, last night it kind of looked like a blister and Mom thought it was a bug bite because she had me outside. But then in about two hours the bump went away and it looks more like a cut.

Don't know but since it's much better, not sore or itchy Mom says we aren't going to worry about it unless it would get worse again.

Now I really hate to leave you good pups, but it is raining and rain means sleep to me! 


  1. I am sure that Lola had something to do with your cut....just sayin'. Have a nice nap!!!


  2. This are some great photos on how you spend your rainy days. That position of you laying on your back is just the cutest. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos. Have a fantastic rest of your week.
    World of Animals
